Lizard Sandbox Demo

We are Bangkok University students from Thailand. This project is based on a number of lessons learned in game design class in the major of Special Topics in Games and Interactive Media. We got the concept for this game when we wanted to grow a lizard in real life but couldn't because we couldn't have one.

How to play

To control, all you need is a mouse cursor.

You can pick between two types of lizards at first: herbivorous lizards (which will produce more coins faster but will require a lot of food) and carnivorous lizards (which will require a lot of food) (this type will make a coin slower than herbivorous lizards but it will have more hunger point).

After selecting the lizard, the game will go to the gameplay page, where players will receive free 2000 coins to begin with and lizard food to purchase to feed the lizard on the left side of the screen.

The lizard will automatically create a coin, but its hunger point will also diminish, requiring users to constantly feed it. If the lizards do not approach the food, the food can be dragged to the lizard.

A shop menu will appear at the top of the screen, allowing you to purchase more lizards. Each of the lizards will be able to make a different number of coins. Players can also purchase a new tank to enhance the amount of money made by lizards.

The objective of this game is to nurture a lizard and collect as many as you can.


Lizard SandboxDemov.1.rar 26 MB


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Good and interesting